Urban rehabilitation city center
We support the renewal of city centres by delivering design strategies that contribute to local needs
and demands
In most city centres there’s neither a representative body nor an institute as a communication
channel towards government. Shop owners, business proprietors and services have to find their own
ways of communication to solve their own problems. Sometimes they are creative and effective but
usually this isn’t the case. We believe in the power of the collective, that bind all owners and users of
(parts of) city centres. Mostly the users of centres know very well about the problems and challenges
of their working (and living) environments. Governments like to focus on trendy solutions, like new
public transport or renewal of the public space, but are not always aware of the deeper needs of the
Born out of experience we know that linking the needs and demands of users with powerful and
operational urban design strategies is a far more effective design method, which can lead to
significant savings and deter the emergence of mistrust between government and centre users.
Combining distinction and diversity
City centers are mainly the hotspots in cities, where people meet, shop, trade and recreate. So, in
order to attract people, centres need to be distinctive, attractive and diverse. Successful centers are
a mixture of,diversity and density. The number of diverse attractions, hotels, restaurants, shops,
facilities, schools, etc. tells a success story of centres. We believe that appropriate housing is crucial
to this success, not only because of the use of public space (during the day and at night) but also
because of the limited distance between people spending money and the availability of shops and
other services.
Our contribution towards centre revitalization projects exists by finding ways to make centres even
more dense, diverse and distinctive. Distinctive hotspots in the city make it attractive and emphasize
its distinctive identity.
Related projects:
2003 – Urban Study, Urban Area, Deventer
Study of future complexes and isolated areas of land at the Infrastructural area of Deventer. Purpose was to create a future where enclaves would have different architectural expression.
2011 – Vision, Centre2, Almere Haven
Vision of implementing an agenda for Almere Haven, as a response to the discontent expressed by by shop owners and residents.
2005 – 2006 Thesis, Past the Green Line, Cyprus
Thesis Academy of Architecture. Project consisted of design interventions, facilitating cultural exchange on both sides of the so called Green line.