July 2016
SUS part of a Dutch thinktank dealing with rapid response after conflicts and natural disasters
The collaboration with The Mobile Factory (TMF) brought SUS in contact with a broad network of specialists and officials dealing with innovations and building techniques. TMF aims to participate in projects dealing with first aid and reconstruction after natural disasters or conflict zones especially in developing countries. The collaboration between TMF and SUS resulted into a more integrated focus on how making q-brick out of debris (recycling) can be combined with strategies of integrated planning. Ultimately it is our joint desire to built sustainable homes and communities that are not only lasting longer, but also are maximal embedded into an existing social and economical context.
Consortium and CSR Netherlands/international
At the beginning of 2016 TMF and SUS started a collaboration with CSR, aiming to organise an allience of partners. Theze partners are working on different innovations and techniques contributing to minimize the damage on the environment and optimize social impact. The result is a small consortium of different partners bringing techniques, expertise as part of an integrated quick response approach. CSR international facilitates our consortium by connecting global challenges and questions to our team and deliver the necessary support in terms of network and funding.
Pilot Ecuador
Understanding description of the dramatic earthquake in Ecuador makes clear that something has to change to make cities and countries more resilient to such disasters. Furthermore the respons (in terms of (re)construction after this kind of earthquakes should be organized together with the first aid activities to prevent people has to live in poorl shelters for over many years, like in Haiti!