Clusterfarming is a hub farm in Ghana, aiming to develop a scalable farming model in Western Africa. The hub farm is running for 7 years and proved to provide food in Ghana, for an affordable price. It is our motivation to duplicate this farming model in different parts of Ghana and different countries in Africa, since there is a growing market for affordable food.
We think that self sustainable communities only have potential if this is part of a holistic and sustainable approach. This approach consists of delivering the following activities:
1. food production
2. renewable energy
3. water
4. waste
5. affordable housing
All these activities are highly scarce articles in the African market, especially in the rural areas. Together with specialists in the activities as mentioned before, we develop projects, aiming to make areas self sustainable, in terms of food, energy, water, housing and waste. These areas can either be part of peri-urban areas near cities as real rural areas where’s few potential for development.
Type of plan: Survey and concept development. Location: Sub-Sahara Africa with focus on Ghana (starting point) Status: ongoing. Collaborators: Cluster Farming, Jack Murdock ltd
Position: owner/urban designer – February 2017