After a series of unsuccessful planning proposals, a vision had to be developed without
disturbing the dikes. Building in the flood zone of the lake was the main issue in planning.
After the failure of former planning proposals for the site, the city council asked for a new innovative vision for the waterfront of Almere haven. The starting point was to deal with the existing values and with minimal preconditioned investments (not making new land, and no heavy adaption on the existing dikes).
The idea is to extend the center of Almere haven towards the harbour and beach, by creating direct connections. These connections form the base for a spatial framework. This framework is the basis for future development in different time phases. The development exists of housing typologies that can be built in a potential flood area, such as floating houses, houses on mounds and stilt houses. Along the beach side, a pedestrian zone creates an attractive edge zone between landscape and the extended center of Almere haven.
Making use of this construction allows the harbour and beach to be strongly connected with the center and will contribute to the identity of Almere haven.
Munic. Of Almere – Type of plan: Study alternatives waterfront development – Location: Almere Haven, Status: project cancelled, Position: senior urban designer Municip. Of Almere – Nov. 2009