Masterplan for a residential area including an industrial cluster. The Base was the existing
landscape and the interaction with the housing environments.
The increasing pressure on the region around Nijverdal and a case study done on a new main road through the original varied landscape was the reason to start with an integral masterplan for the area. The site is the area northeast of the core of Nijverdal. The size of the study is approximately 50 ha used for housing and industry.
The scenic qualities and its relationship with the existing residential area of Kruidenwijk are the reason for a district with different living environments. The framework of existing landscape lines and traffic creates a flexible structure, allowing maximum flexibility in the program.
Company: Grontmij – Type of plan: Masterplan – Location: Nijverdal, Status: realized, Client: Munic of Hellendoorn – Program: 50 ha residential/industry – project design: G.A.J. Breugem Masterplan realized: 2002